집콕 세대, VR 운동으로 새로운 트렌드 만나다

신종 코로나바이러스 감염증으로 인한 팬데믹 사태 이후 많은 사람들이 건강을 유지하면서도 안전한 활동을 찾는데 고심하고 있습니다. 이런 상황에서 홈트레이닝이 부상하면서 우리 생활은 새로운 변화를 맞이했습니다. 홈트를 언급하자면 제 머릿속에 떠오르는 장면은 유튜브나 넷플릭스를 즐기면서 요가 매트 위에서 몸을 스트레칭하는 모습입니다. 어쩌면 여러분도 비슷한 풍경을 상상하실 겁니다. 이제는 헬스장에서도 마스크를 착용해야 하는 등 외부 활동이 어려워지면서 집에서의 생활이 점점 익숙해지고 있는 것 같습니다. 신종 코로나바이러스 감염증으로 인한 팬데믹 사태 이후 많은 사람들이 건강을 유지하면서도 안전한 활동을 찾는데 고심하고 있습니다. 이런 상황에서 홈트레이닝이 부상하면서 우리 생활은 새로운 변화를 맞이했습니다. 홈트를 언급하자면 제 머릿속에 떠오르는 장면은 유튜브나 넷플릭스를 즐기면서 요가 매트 위에서 몸을 스트레칭하는 모습입니다. 어쩌면 여러분도 비슷한 풍경을 상상하실 겁니다. 이제는 헬스장에서도 마스크를 착용해야 하는 등 외부 활동이 어려워지면서 집에서의 생활이 점점 익숙해지고 있는 것 같습니다.

neom, 출처 Unsplash neom, 출처 Unsplash

In the meantime, the concept of VR movement emerged. It is a new conceptual exercise that moves the body like a game while wearing VR devices. In fact, various contents using VR technology are being developed in the field of hands-on sports. Polariant, one of the Korean companies, recently proposed the world’s first commercialized VR technology and provides a realistic media platform that reproduces real-life games such as baseball, tennis, and golf. In the meantime, the concept of VR movement emerged. It is a new conceptual exercise that moves the body like a game while wearing VR devices. In fact, various contents using VR technology are being developed in the field of hands-on sports. Polariant, one of the Korean companies, recently proposed the world’s first commercialized VR technology and provides a realistic media platform that reproduces real-life games such as baseball, tennis, and golf.

vorosbenisop, 출Unsplash vorosbenisop, 출Unsplash

How can I enjoy this kind of VR exercise? Currently, it can only be experienced at professional training centers, but it is expected that the possibility of using VR devices for home use will increase as the supply of VR devices expands. The market is now in its early stages, and related industries appreciate the potential for future growth. In addition, it is easy to find paid or free versions of VR apps in the smartphone App Store, and through collaboration with Naver Vibe Music, programs are also being prepared to maximize exercise effects by listening to music and copying on-screen movements. How can I enjoy this kind of VR exercise? Currently, it can only be experienced at professional training centers, but it is expected that the possibility of using VR devices for home use will increase as the supply of VR devices expands. The market is now in its early stages, and related industries appreciate the potential for future growth. In addition, it is easy to find paid or free versions of VR apps in the smartphone App Store, and through collaboration with Naver Vibe Music, programs are also being prepared to maximize exercise effects by listening to music and copying on-screen movements.

ethanrobertson, 출처 unsplash ethanrobertson, 출처 unsplash

However, it can be difficult to breathe just by staying at home. So why don’t you look for activities that you can enjoy at home at times like this? Let’s enjoy the hobby activities that can be carried out safely at home and create a fresh experience. These changes will energize your daily life. Let’s enjoy health and fun at the same time with VR exercise, a new trend in the Corona era! However, it can be difficult to breathe just by staying at home. So why don’t you look for activities that you can enjoy at home at times like this? Let’s enjoy the hobby activities that can be carried out safely at home and create a fresh experience. These changes will energize your daily life. Let’s enjoy health and fun at the same time with VR exercise, a new trend in the Corona era!

a8ka 、출처 Unsplash a8ka 、출처 Unsplash


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